Sharing Love, Music, Poetry and Faith


For Valentine’s Day 2021, I’m sharing original poetry and music that focus on Love, Celebration and Faith. Celebrating Love, and Focusing on Faith. Check out the video above.

You Are Worthy Because You’re You!


You are worthy simply because you’re here. There are no special qualities or abilities you need to possess in order to be deem worthy. No one or nothing outside yourself can determine your worth. That is totally up to you. You were born Worthy.

3 Ways to Increase Self Love


When you have self-love, anything is possible. Love is the foundation on which everything is built. When you’re able to love yourself, you can receive love not only from others, but from the universe as well. The three ways that helped me increase my self-love was: 1) Telling myself each morning, in the mirror, that I Love Me; 2) Literally kissing myself throughout the day and telling myself that I Love Me; and 3) Posting written affirmations everywhere as a constant reminder of how much I Love Myself.

Stop Struggling With Money


The universe gives you exactly what consumes your thoughts. If you’re constantly thinking about not having enough money or how to get more money, then the universe will give you those exact experiences. The key is to replace the “not having” and “how to get” with gratitude for already having it. You may not see it, but it’s on the way!

Passion Leads To Purpose


Passion can lead to purpose. Passion is what gets you started, Purpose is what keeps you going. Three steps to help uncover your Purpose: 1) State your Intention; 2) Ask the Right Question; and 3) Nonattachment to the Physical Form.

Thoughts and Feelings Become Things!


The thoughts you hold in your head, and the feelings you hold in your heart will become Things! The Universe doesn’t discern whether it’s Bad or Good. To the Universe, it just Is!

How to Avoid Messy Situations, Toxic People, and the Ego


Even when doing your best to avoid chaos and toxic individuals, messy situations can still happen. Never loose sight of who you are, and never let others change who you are. Analyze the situation, make the necessary changes and move on.

Impeccable Words


To be impeccable with your word is to come from Truth and Love. Speak truth to yourself and others. Speak from a place of love when addressing yourself and others.

Becoming Transparent


Becoming Transparent involves not reacting to low or negative energy from others. Your critique or judgement of someone else’s energy is non of your “Spiritual Business”. When possible, find a way to harmonize with others.

Teaspoon of LOVE and Tablespoon of LIGHT


My Poem, My Song “Teaspoon of LOVE and Tablespoon of LIGHT” that speaks on fear and faith.

Do Your Best, Then Rest


When you have done the best that you can, allow the universe to do the rest. The universe is working in tandem with you to create the best possible outcome for you. So surrender your best to the universe once you’ve done your Best!

What You Give You Also Get To Keep


What You Give You Also Get To Keep. This statement may sound like a contradiction however “The Law of Circulation” states all things in the universe are always flowing in circulation, at an ever expanding rate. What you give to one person, you will receive from a different source. For example, when purchasing groceries, you can either spend money or circulate money. To spend means – to use up, consume or dispose of. To circulate means – to move into a circle or circuit, to pass from place to place and from person to person. The choice is yours!

What If 2020 is a Blessing in Disguise


If the year 2020 taught us anything, it has taught us how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Only when you’re uncomfortable does change happen. Within all of the pain and suffering that has emerged in 2020, seek one thing that you can be grateful for.

What You Resist Persist!


In Relationships, What You Resist Persist! Whether you’re in a toxic relationship, or going through a bad breakup, your actions will determine your outcome. If you choose to hold onto all the bad that happened, constantly replaying the negative events in your mind, then you will remain stuck in bitterness and confusion. If you choose to see the bad breakup as a hard life lesson and embrace it with love, then you can recover much quicker and attract goodness your way. What You Resist Persist!

Abundance – Just Like Air It’s Always There


The universe is always ready to co-create the abundance you desire in your life. However, you have to be ready to receive it. Giving gratitude and thanksgiving for the smallest and most insignificant things, on a daily basis, not only create the opportunity for abundance, it also prepares you to receive abundance.

Allow Yourself To Receive Goodness


When you do something nice for others, they will automatically reciprocate that kindness to you or others. This automatic reciprocation is human nature. However many are not comfortable receiving kindness from others. This discomfort could stem from either feeling unworthy, or possibly misunderstanding what it means to be humble. When you accept kindness from others, not only do you win, but the giver wins too!

What You Give Away You Also Get To Keep


At first glance this statement may sound like a contradiction, however The Law of Circulation states all things in the universe are always flowing in circulation, at an ever expanding rate.  What you give to one person, you will receive from a different source.

For example, when purchasing groceries, you can either spend money or circulate money.  To spend means – to use up, consume or dispose of.  To circulate means – to move into a circle or circuit, to pass from place to place and from person to person. 

The choice is yours!

Hopelessness vs Faith


When you’re down and weary, and you can’t see the light of day. Remember it’s always darkest before the dawn. Have FAITH that there will be a brighter day!!!

I Have Drama Therefore I Am


Many of us have been conditioned to believe that the thoughts in our head represent who we are as a person.  Basically, what I think is who I am.   So consider this, many of our thoughts and beliefs come from outside of us.  For example, family myths, beliefs, folklore and practices that have been handed down for many generations that has nothing to do with us.  Granted family traditions are important and should be honored, but they should not overshadow our purpose for being here, and nor should they take away our ability to create something new from nothing.  Our social class, race, physical appearance, political affiliation, religion and so much more are some of the things we identify with but it’s not who we are. When we identify with these thoughts in our mind, we see others as different from us.  When we see someone as different, then we lose the ability to relate to them, which brings forth the Ego. Ego is the “I” or “me” that sees things outside itself as “others”.  In order for the Ego to survive it must feel superior to anything outside itself.  So if the Ego is superior, then the Other must be inferior.  Hence forth comes the complaining, resentment, name-calling, and gossiping directed at the Other.  The Ego needs tension in order to remain relevant.

Going Through The Void


The Void is when you’re in a state of being where everything seems to be going wrong. Relationships fail, things fall apart, and nothing works the way it used to. Going through the Void feels terrible and depressing. However being in the Void is a the realization that you need to do things differently. Many of us realize this, but because we’re familiar and comfortable with our current situations, we tend to linger in them causing more harm to our mind body and soul. Once you surrender to the Void good thing! It’s good because only when old patterns and beliefs no longer benefit or serve your purpose, can you then come to, then and only then can you release the old broken beliefs and embrace what is new.

6 Laws of Karma (Part 2)

There are 12 Laws of Karma. This video will discuss the remaining 6 Laws of Karma. They are: The Law of Force; The Law of Giving and Hospitality; The Law of Here and Now; The Law of Change; The Law of Patience and Reward; and The Law of Significance and Inspiration.

6 Laws of Karma (Part 1)

There are 12 Laws of Karma. This video will discuss the first 6 Laws of Karma. They are: The Great Law, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect; The Law of Creation; The Law of Humility; The Law of Growth; The Law of Responsibility; and the Law of Connection.

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction

6 Steps Towards The Law of Attraction: Create an environment of Unconditional Love => Practice Deep Listening => Ask and you Shall Receive => Be Willing to Change => Be Willing to Participate => Practice Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanksgiving.