Honor Your Truth (Part II)

I felt the need to expand on this earlier post because it’s really important to live an Authentic Life, in other words to be REAL!

What you THINK is your Right path to travel comes straight from the Head. The head holds all of the information you’ve received, over-time, from your environment, parents, friends, teachers, encounters, and so on. Your mind holds all of this information in its database and when something new or different enters your life, you search your database to generate:
 how should I feel
 what should I do, or not do
 when should I do it, or not do it

What you FEEL is your Right path to travel comes straight from the Heart. The Heart is the portal to where God resides. When you tap into this space and place nothing seems to follow the logic we are accustom to, but at the same time there’s a serene lightness that exist in the body temple that words can’t explain. Everyone has experienced a time (if only briefly) where you just felt good but didn’t know why (with no major changes in your life). That’s the feeling I’m talking about.

You don’t need a preexisting database to live your Truth. You just have to be willing to get out of your Head and into your Heart.

5 thoughts on “Honor Your Truth (Part II)

  1. Beautiful, Cynthia. Wisdom is to be cherished and the wise to be honored. I honor you and cherish the wisdom that you’ve imparted.

  2. So I’m thinking allow the heart and mind to come to a united conclusion. Allow your mind to do its thing… compare and contrast and sort things out and say to your heart, “this is what I’ve got, do what you want with it.” Allow your heart to make the final decision based on all the information the mind provided.

  3. Yes. When you lead with the mind it’s like the “tail wagging the dog”. Your mind, which is where the ego resides, is always working on staying in control of every situation. With this human incarnation we need the mind to co-exist with others but when you become a slave to the mind it robs you of your true essence.

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