There comes a time when there’s no need to explain, no need to complain, and no need to let yourself be the object of another’s hatred and blame. It may be a simple disagreement or a major philosophical difference on how you view the world. Please understand that the energy it takes to defend your position could be used on something more Creative and Magnificent. Listen to your body, recognize tension and recognize unrest. This is not your natural state! So simply walk away knowing that the path you have chosen is filled with Grace.

2 thoughts on “KNOW WHEN TO WALK AWAY

  1. Getting back to the subject of following our hearts….is it our ego mind that stops us from taking that step of walking away after the mind has gathered all the facts and all the data then made an assesssment turned it over to the heart…is it the heart or mind which stops us from walking away…has to be the ego mind right, maybe ego mind thinks it can “fix” the other, even after the heart says walk away????

  2. There are a few things simultaneously working here. You have the thinking mind (ego), you have the emotions which are a reflection of your-state-of-mind, and you have the inner voice which exists only in the present moment. Because the thinking mind resides in either the past or the future, it will always see things based on what has happened and what you want to happen or not happen. This thought process then manifest into emotions. Based on past situations I will or will not go down that road. Based on what I think might happen I will or will not go down that road. These emotions are simply based on fear, fear of repeating the past and fear of an unknown future. When you’re able to recognize these thoughts for what they really are, Just Thoughts, and allow them to dissolve into nothingness then you will be able to exist in the present moment. We tend to over-think and over-analyze things to a point where it’s “our thoughts about what we’re thinking” which has nothing to do with the present moment. That inner knowing, that observer of all that you do is where the truth lies. There is no pain associated with it. It just is.

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