I’m currently going through some major changes in my life and even though I understand that change is constant, and to not change and grow is to die mentally, spiritually and eventually physically. Even with this knowledge I still feel a slight bit of discomfort in letting go of the known and embracing the unknown. So I find myself becoming patient with myself. To rush myself into accepting change is no different than resisting the inevitable, they both create tension. So I give myself permission to move at my own pace knowing that everything is already alright.
Bravo to you for having the courage to step out in faith and make the changes necessary for growth in your life. As I read your blog and I think back on all the major changes in my life, I’ve never moved in haste but moved as spirit has guided me so that I am at peace with all of those changes. You’ll know when it’s time to take each new step along the way just keep moving forward step by step, brick by brick, stone by stone.
As the prayer goes – God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change The courage to change the things that I can. The wisdom to know the difference……………
Thank you! That simple prayer speaks volumes.