A Lesson from my father about “Little Bo-peep”

The other day I was speaking with my father and he shared with me how a few days earlier he had lost the keys to one of his cars.  For several days he worried and searched for the keys with no satisfaction.  Finally he decided to stop worrying, simply because this was out of character for him, and just trust that the keys would show up eventually.  He went on to tell me that a day later as he was driving home from the store he heard a small voice telling him to reach underneath the seat and get his keys.  So once he reached home he did just that and got his keys.

 He laughed and said that this incident reminded him of the nursery rhyme “Little Bo-Peep”.   I laughed and started to recite the rhyme,

“Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep and doesn’t know where to find them.  Leave them alone and they’ll come home, bringing their tails behind them.”

 Such simple words yet so powerful! 

What Role Do You Play When Negativity Enters Your Life?

I have heard the phrase “the devil is a lie” and that is true.  So what role does your Ego play when negativity enters your life?  Is your Ego a lie too?  My answer would be a resounding YES! 

When you speak of negativity, in your life, as if it’s something outside yourself, you willfully ignore the fact that everything you see in your life you created.  It’s so much easier to project all negativity to something outside yourself, but to recognize your role and consciously choose positive energy takes courage.

Be Willing To Stand Still For Your Blessings

In a world where “Doing” equates to:

  •     Making Things Happen
  •     Movers and Shakers
  •     Progress

 And “Inaction” equates to:

  •     Laziness
  •     Good for Nothing
  •     Stagnation

 But only when you Stand Still and quiet the mind can you hear your higher calling, the voice of the Almighty.

Is It My Heart or Is It My Head? Guess I Better Take My Temperature.

As I get questions from different people, I will try and share my responses here on my blog when time allows.

QUESTION:  How does one tell the difference between something God told you, and simply a realization of your own subconscious desires?

I remember telling my mom that I was on the spiritual journey that God presented to me, and her response was that I hope you’re listening to the right God. (smile)

The best way for me to discern whether it’s my Ego trying to stay relevant or the voice of God guiding me, is to take my temperature. 

 When it’s my inner voice, I feel free to act with no attachment to the outcome.  My body literally feels light as a feather.  Everything around me at that precise moment in time feels good.  It’s not an overwhelming feeling of goodness.  Instead it’s a gentle serene sense of goodness.

When I’m coming from my head the first thing I feel is tension in my body.  My mind usually plays out several scenarios trying to cover all bases just in case.  I find myself questioning myself just to make sure that I’m doing the right thing.

One requires Effort while the other requires No Effort.  You be the judge!

Are You Where You Supposed To Be or Need To Be?

I was presented with the above question by someone wondering if there is a difference between where you supposed to be versus where you need to be, and how it relates to wishing and praying for something that is not materializing in life, and trying to accept this truth.

Let me first discuss my views on “supposed” versus “need” to be. One could argue that they mean pretty much the same thing, however words have energy and this energy creates your reality. Let me deviate for a moment and give you Webster’s definitions of these two words:

  • Need – A lack of something necessary or desirable
  • Supposed – Regarded as true, real, or genuine

When I hear the word “need” used in the above question, it feels like I’m sentencing myself to a place because of my actions. I have placed myself on punishment and I will not move from this space until I have learned my life lesson. This feels so wrong to me.
The word “supposed” states the obvious. You are where you are! Where else would you be but where you are supposed to be? There’s more I can say on this subject which focus on how most people either live in the past or future, but I’ll save that for later.

When it comes to wishing for something I would simply say stop wishing or beseeching what you want and just start being grateful that you already have it. When you place your energy into wishing and hoping for something you want, you will continue to create more opportunities to wish and hope. Affirm that what you seek you already have, then give the universe time to catch up with you.

Give Me The Courage To Create The Energy I Need To Thrive

Today as I walked on the treadmill a vision as clear as day popped into my head. I saw myself floating on an inner tube in the ocean. The water was choppy and dark and it took all the energy and courage I had just to stay afloat. I didn’t see any way out but at the same time I would not give-in to my demise. Somewhere deep inside I held onto hope, the hope that I would survive this ordeal. At some point I saw a well lit boat in the distance. I prayed for strength to move towards the boat and it seemed like eternity before I reached the boat. Once there I saw a rope being tossed down to me and all of a sudden I felt exhausted. I told myself that I had used up all my energy just to get there, but I knew that I was absolutely afraid of what was on the boat’s deck, the unknown. You see I was familiar with my struggle just to survive in the ocean, but now I’m presented with something new and unfamiliar. I looked back at the ocean which was dark, deep and vast and my heart shuttered. I then looked up at the boat and my curiosity grew. I reached within and mustered up courage to energize my body to climb the rope and once I reached the deck I knew instantly I was where I was supposed to be.


I’m currently going through some major changes in my life and even though I understand that change is constant, and to not change and grow is to die mentally, spiritually and eventually physically. Even with this knowledge I still feel a slight bit of discomfort in letting go of the known and embracing the unknown. So I find myself becoming patient with myself. To rush myself into accepting change is no different than resisting the inevitable, they both create tension. So I give myself permission to move at my own pace knowing that everything is already alright.


There comes a time when there’s no need to explain, no need to complain, and no need to let yourself be the object of another’s hatred and blame. It may be a simple disagreement or a major philosophical difference on how you view the world. Please understand that the energy it takes to defend your position could be used on something more Creative and Magnificent. Listen to your body, recognize tension and recognize unrest. This is not your natural state! So simply walk away knowing that the path you have chosen is filled with Grace.

Don’t Wait To Do You!

I just read a tweet by Russell Simmons that said “Don’t Wait To Do You”. I understand this so well because each and every day I consciously release the negative self-talk that says “stop wasting your time … this will never work” and I deliberately write my words, speak my truth, paint my pictures and sing my songs. And I will do this as long as it takes to quiet/SHUTDOWN my EGO and freely be Me!

Living Is The Journey And The Journey Is The Destination

Perfection on this Life Journey doesn’t exist but the pursuit of perfection is always obtainable.

As long as we continue to live, we are on a Life Journey. This Journey will present many opportunities disguised as challenges along the way. How we maneuver through these opportunities will determine the type of life we live. Many of us focus on what is wrong with life instead of the fact that we have been given Life. We focus on the lack and limitations, instead of the abundance life provide us on a daily basis (air, sunlight, rain).

When we start to realize that Living is the Journey and that the Journey is the Destination, we will welcome every challenge because it’s an opportunity to move closer to our Perfect Self.