Honor Your Feelings

Just the other day I had a long and painful conversation with someone. They keep beating themselves up for not having provided, what they thought was, a better life for their children. They talked about wanting to crawl into a hole and just disappear for a while, I guess somehow thinking things would be better when they reappeared. After listening to them beat them self up, complain and blame others and cry incessantly, I interjected a few words of encouragement.

I briefly mentioned that everything they were experiencing they created, but I knew this was too much for them to digest right then and there. So I told them to honor what they were feeling at that precise moment.

When you’re in the midst of a crisis the last thing you should do is ignore what is going on within you. Whatever you are feeling is real and to deny those feelings is to deny yourself.

Denying what’s going on doesn’t make it go away. To the contrary, it festers and grows eventually showing up as a major life crisis. My advice is to give yourself permission to feel everything to the fullest, all of the sadness, pain, blame and whatever else you’re holding on to. Give yourself permission, but also give yourself a time limit on how long you will exist in this state. Once that time has expired, Move On with your life!

I remember my mom trying to wean my brother from sucking a bottle. Brilliantly she gave him control by allowing him to throw away the bottle once he was done. He watched the garbage truck empty our trash can and drive away with his bottle. Later when he started to cry for his bottle my mom reminded him that the garbage truck carried it away and he would stop crying.

Just like my younger brother, once you’re finished with those feelings put them in the trash can and let the truck carry them away never to be manifested in your life again.

Take Off The Blankets

In life we don’t want to be seen as incompetent, weak, or unsuccessful. So when something arises that we deem unacceptable to others we cover it up (with a blanket) so nobody can see it.

As more unacceptable things happen, the more blankets we cover ourselves with. Eventually we are covered in so many blankets that we become over-weighted, over-heated and disoriented.

The only solution is to remove the blankets and expose your True Self. You will feel lighter, cooler and see things so much clearer.

Stay In Your Own Lane!

Just the other day I was having a conversation with someone who was trying to live-up to the expectations of others. They were struggling with:
1. Trying to figure out what the other people expected of them,
2. And how to execute the expectations so that these other people could be happy with them.

I also had this same conversation with someone a few months ago where they were trying to comply with a list of requests placed upon them by another person, but somehow kept falling short on completing this list to the satisfaction of that other person.

I submit to both of these people that you will NEVER EVER be able to satisfactorily live-up to the life expectations of others. Reason being is that their expectations have nothing to do with you and vice versa. The list is subjective and will continue to be vague because it has nothing to do with you!

I like using the analogy of two traveling cars, destination at the discretion of the driver (YOU). How you drive your car is your own business! You may like going fast while I like traveling a bit slower; you blast your pop music while I vibe to reggae; your car maybe spotless while mine haven’t been washed in months. No matter how much you want to change how I operate my car, you can’t because it’s not your car. The bottom line is, Stay In Your Own Lane!

Honor Your Truth (Part II)

I felt the need to expand on this earlier post because it’s really important to live an Authentic Life, in other words to be REAL!

What you THINK is your Right path to travel comes straight from the Head. The head holds all of the information you’ve received, over-time, from your environment, parents, friends, teachers, encounters, and so on. Your mind holds all of this information in its database and when something new or different enters your life, you search your database to generate:
 how should I feel
 what should I do, or not do
 when should I do it, or not do it

What you FEEL is your Right path to travel comes straight from the Heart. The Heart is the portal to where God resides. When you tap into this space and place nothing seems to follow the logic we are accustom to, but at the same time there’s a serene lightness that exist in the body temple that words can’t explain. Everyone has experienced a time (if only briefly) where you just felt good but didn’t know why (with no major changes in your life). That’s the feeling I’m talking about.

You don’t need a preexisting database to live your Truth. You just have to be willing to get out of your Head and into your Heart.

What’s in your cup you get to keep and the over-flow is for the cups of others

I remember going through the mental process to stop seeing my cup as half-empty, but instead to see it as half-full. This process took a lot of self-talk and mental discipline. However, with a half-full cup I didn’t feel totally full. How can I with a half-full cup? So I decided to start seeing my cup as over-flowing. Over-flowing with good health, wonderful wealth, love, gratitude and so much more. What I discovered with this over-flowing cup is that not only was I full but I was able to allow the over-flow to fall into the cups of others. Let your cup Runneth Over!

Forgive Them Father For They Know Not What They Do

I’m sure you’ve heard that forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you!  This is so true and so much more!

When we’ve been wronged by someone we tend to harbor anger, dislike, animosity, disgust, and so many more negative feelings towards that person.  These negative emotions cause our hearts to constrict and block all incoming miracles.  I heard someone say you can have either a grievous or a miracle, but you cannot have both.  So long as you hold grudges you will be unable to receive your blessings because you heart is closed.  Yes people do nasty things to us, yes it’s okay to feeling bad about the experience, but to harbor those emotions does you a BIG injustice.  Allow yourself to experience the negative emotion to its fullest then let it GO!

Walk by Faith and not by Sight

 I want you to catch the visual … you’re walking along a straight and narrow path and you can see everything in front of you.  Are can you?  The path that seems so clear and lay out in front of you suddenly takes a sharp right turn.  Wait, you didn’t see that coming did you? 

It’s those unexpected changes that lead us to believe that we lack control over our own existence.  But as I said in an earlier post “thoughts become things”.  So that “unexpected change” was created by you! 

Now you have an opportunity to create the change you want simply by focusing on it.  You don’t need to see it!  You just need to have Faith in the power to create!

Thoughts Become Things

Whatever you hold in your mind will manifest in your life. So ultimately you have created everything that you see in your life. That includes all the good things, as well as all of the bad things. All the craziness that’s going on in your life was created by you! No one other than yourself is responsible for what your life looks like. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, trust me I’ve swallowed many of these pills myself, but until you start to take ownership of your “stuff” you will forever be angry and complaining about how someone else caused you pain.